GV-8th Red St. Al vs Marys
8 AM
8:45 AM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-3rd Red MtG vs Cajetan Blk
9 AM
9:45 AM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
BB-4th Red SSBL at OLOW Wht
9 AM
9:50 AM
(OLOW - 10731 W 131st St, Orland Park, IL)
GV-5th Gray St. Al vs Mikes
9 AM
9:45 AM
(St Michael - 14355 Highland, Orland Park, IL)
GV-6th White St. Al vs Mikes
9 AM
9:50 AM
(St Michael - 14355 Highland, Orland Park, IL)
GV-8th White St. Al vs Cajetan
9 AM
9:50 AM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th Red St. Al vs QofM
9:30 AM
10:15 AM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
BB-5th Red SSBL vs MG Gold
9:50 AM
10:40 AM
(Frontier - 9807 Sayre Ave, Chicago Ridge, IL)
GV-5th Red St. Al vs Daniel
10 AM
10:45 AM
(St Alexander - 7025 W 126th St, Palos Heights, IL)
GV-8th Red St. Al vs Incarnation
10 AM
10:45 AM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-4th White St Al vs Daniel
10:30 AM
11:20 AM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
GV-7th White St. Al vs SJF
11 AM
11:50 AM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-4th Gray MtG vs Fisher Red
12 PM
12:45 PM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th Gray St. Al vs George
12 PM
12:50 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
[CANCELED] GV-5th White vs Daniel
12 PM
(St Daniel - 5330 S Nashville, Chicago, IL)
GV-6th White St. Al vs CK
12:30 PM
1:20 PM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
GV-6th Red St. Al vs Christina
1 PM
1:50 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th Red St. Al vs Cajetan
1 PM
1:45 PM
(St Patricia - 9000 S 86th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL)
BB-4th Red MtG vs Christina Wht
2 PM
2:45 PM
(CRWC - 5331 W 135th St, Crestwood, IL)
GV-4th White St Al vs Mikes
2 PM
2:50 PM
(St Michael - 14355 Highland, Orland Park, IL)
BB-4th White MtG vs Christina Red
2:15 PM
3 PM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
GV-5th Gray St. Al vs Cajetan
3 PM
3:45 PM
(St Damian - 5300 W 155th St, Oak Forest, IL)
BB-6th Red SSBL vs MHR
3:10 PM
4 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-7th White SSBL vs Catherine
4 PM
4:50 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-7th Red SSBL vs Catherine
4:50 PM
5:40 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th Gray SCC vs Catherine - Black
5 PM
5:50 PM
(St Catherine - 10621 S Kedvale, Oak Lawn, IL)
GV-5th Gray SCC vs Cajetan - White
5:30 PM
6:15 PM
(St Cajetan - 11211 S. Campbell, Chicago, IL)
BB-4th White SSBL vs St. Joe
5:40 PM
6:30 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-6th White SSBL vs CK
6:30 PM
7:20 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Black (Wiers) SSBL at Christina
7:10 PM
8 PM
(St Christina - 11000 S Christiana, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Red SSBL vs Sutherland
7:20 PM
8:10 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-8th White SCC vs Catherine
7:30 PM
8:15 PM
(St Catherine - 10621 S Kedvale, Oak Lawn, IL)
[CANCELED] GV-5th White vs Gabriel
7:45 PM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
BB-8th White SSBL vs Fisher Blue
8:10 PM
9 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-3rd White MtG vs CK Wht
10:45 AM
11:30 AM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
BB-7th Red SCC vs Daniel
12 PM
1 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Black (Wiers) SCC vs Barnabas Wht
1 PM
2 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th White SCC vs Barnabas Blk
1 PM
2 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-5th Red vs Mt Greenwood (White)
1 PM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
BB-5th White vs MPA
1:45 PM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
BB-6th Red SCC at Christina
2 PM
3 PM
(St Christina - 11000 S Christiana, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Grey SCC vs St. Patricia
2 PM
3 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-5th Gray SCC vs Mikes
2:15 PM
3 PM
(St Michael - 14355 Highland, Orland Park, IL)
BB-6th White SCC at Cajetan
2:30 PM
3:30 PM
(St Germaine - 4300 W 98th St, Oak Lawn, IL)
BB-8th Red SCC at Linus
3 PM
4 PM
(St Linus - 10400 S Lawler, Oak Lawn, IL)
BB-8th White SCC vs St Christina
3 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-6th Gray SCC at Linus
4 PM
5 PM
(St Linus - 10400 S Lawler, Oak Lawn, IL)
GV-5th Red SCC vs Daniel - Blue
5 PM
5:45 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-6th White SCC vs Catherine
5:45 PM
6:35 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-7th Red SCC at QoM
6 PM
7 PM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
GV-8th Red SCC vs BCA
6:30 PM
7:15 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
[CANCELED] GV-6th Red SCC vs Als
6:30 PM
7:20 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-7th White SCC at CK
7 PM
8 PM
(CK - 9240 S. Hoyne, Chicago, IL)
GV-6th Red SCC vs Daniel
5:30 PM
6:20 PM
(St Daniel - 5330 S Nashville, Chicago, IL)
GV-6th White SCC vs MHR
5:30 PM
6:20 PM
(MHR - 9536 S. Millard, Evergreen Park, IL)
GV-7th Red SCC vs Fisher
5:30 PM
6:15 PM
(SJF - 10200 S Washtenaw, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th White SCC vs Gerald
6:20 PM
7:10 PM
(St Gerald - 9311 S Central Ave, Oak Lawn, IL)
BB-5th White SSBL at SW Wht
7:10 PM
8 PM
(EP S-E - 9800 S Francisco Ave, Evergreen Park, IL)
GV-7th Gray SCC vs Daniel - Blue
7:10 PM
8 PM
(St Daniel - 5330 S Nashville, Chicago, IL)
GV-8th Red SCC vs Fisher
7:10 PM
7:55 PM
(SJF - 10200 S Washtenaw, Chicago, IL)
GV-8th White SCC vs MHR
8 PM
8:45 PM
(MHR - 9536 S. Millard, Evergreen Park, IL)
BB-4th Red MtG vs Damian
9 AM
9:45 AM
(St Christopher - 14611 S Keeler, Midloathian, IL)
GV-6th Red St. Al vs Incarnation
9 AM
9:50 AM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th Gray St. Al vs OLOW
9 AM
9:50 AM
(OLOW - 10731 W 131st St, Orland Park, IL)
GV-8th Red St. Al vs Joseph
9 AM
9:45 AM
(Hart Jr. High - 18220 Morgan, Homewood, IL)
GV-5th Red St. Al vs ALS
10 AM
10:45 AM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th Red St. Al vs Catherine
10 AM
10:45 AM
(St Catherine - 10621 S Kedvale, Oak Lawn, IL)
BB-4th White MtG vs M H R
10:30 AM
11:15 AM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
GV-5th Gray St. Al vs Linus
11 AM
11:45 AM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-6th Red St. Al vs Daniel
11 AM
11:50 AM
(St Catherine - 10621 S Kedvale, Oak Lawn, IL)
GV-7th Gray St. Al vs Patricia
11 AM
11:50 AM
(St Germaine - 4300 W 98th St, Oak Lawn, IL)
GV-7th White St. Al vs CJB
11 AM
11:50 AM
(Benedict - 2324 New St, Blue Island, IL)
BB-4th Gray MtG vs Catherine Wht
11:15 AM
12 PM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
GV-4th White St Al vs Linus
12 PM
12:50 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th White St. Al vs George
12 PM
12:50 PM
(Benedict - 2324 New St, Blue Island, IL)
GV-5th White vs Q of M
12:30 PM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
BB-3rd Red MtG vs C B
12:45 PM
1:30 PM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
GV-8th Red St. Al vs CJB
1 PM
1:45 PM
(St Bede - 4440 W 83rd St, Chicago, IL)
SB as Host SB Host vs SJF-Albert
1 PM
1:50 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-5th White vs SJF
1:30 PM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
BB-6th Red SSBL at Germaine
2 PM
2:50 PM
(St Germaine - 4300 W 98th St, Oak Lawn, IL)
BB-6th Gray SSBL at Mike Wht
2:20 PM
3:10 PM
(St Michael - 14355 Highland, Orland Park, IL)
GV-4th White St Al vs SBRS
3 PM
3:50 PM
(5025 South Kenneth Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60632)
GV-6th White St. Al vs Incarnation
3 PM
3:50 PM
(Incarnation - 5757 W 127th St, Palos Heights, IL)
BB-5th Red SSBL vs St. Patricia
3:10 PM
4 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-4th White SSBL vs QoM
4 PM
4:50 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-4th Red SSBL at St. Alexander
4:20 PM
5:10 PM
(St Alexander - 7025 W 126th St, Palos Heights, IL)
BB-6th White SSBL vs Catherine Wht
4:50 PM
5:40 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-7th Red SSBL vs CJB
5:40 PM
6:30 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-7th White SSBL vs MHR
6:30 PM
7:20 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-5th White vs Daniel - yellow
7 PM
(St Daniel - 5330 S Nashville, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th White SSBL vs OLOW
7:20 PM
8:10 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-6th White SCC vs Cajetan
7:45 PM
8:35 PM
(St Cajetan - 11211 S. Campbell, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Grey SSBL at Christina
8 PM
8:50 PM
(St Christina - 11000 S Christiana, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Black (Wiers) SSBL vs Als
8:10 PM
9 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-3rd White MtG vs Fisher Wht
9:20 AM
10:05 AM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th White SCC vs Linus
12 PM
1 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
12:15 PM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
BB-6th Red SCC at St. Dan
1 PM
2 PM
(St Daniel - 5330 S Nashville, Chicago, IL)
BB-6th White SCC vs Christina
1 PM
2 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Grey SCC at Christina
1 PM
2 PM
(St Christina - 11000 S Christiana, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Red SCC at BCA
1 PM
2 PM
(BCA - 3700 S Lowe Ave, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th Red vs CK
1:30 PM
(3737 W 99th St
Chicago IL 60655
United States)
BB-8th Black (Wiers) SCC vs CK
2 PM
3 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th Red vs Daniel
2:15 PM
(3737 W 99th St
Chicago IL 60655
United States)
BB-5th Red vs MPA
2:30 PM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
BB-7th White SCC at Fisher White
3 PM
4 PM
(SJF - 10200 S Washtenaw, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Grey SCC vs MHR Red
3 PM
4 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th Red vs TBD
3 PM
(3737 W 99th St
Chicago IL 60655
United States)
GV-7th Red vs TBD
3:45 PM
(3737 W 99th St
Chicago IL 60655
United States)
GV-7th Red vs TBD
4:30 PM
(3737 W 99th St
Chicago IL 60655
United States)
GV-4th Red vs MHR - Red
5 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-5th Gray SCC vs Germaine
5:45 PM
6:30 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-6th Gray SCC at St. Alexander
6 PM
7 PM
(St Alexander - 7025 W 126th St, Palos Heights, IL)
GV-5th Red SCC vs Daniel - Gold
6:30 PM
7:15 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-5th White vs SJF - blue
7:15 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th Gray SCC vs CJB
6:20 PM
7:10 PM
(St Germaine - 4300 W 98th St, Oak Lawn, IL)
GV-7th Red SCC vs Christina
6:20 PM
7:05 PM
(St Christina - 11000 S Christiana, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th White SCC vs CK
6:20 PM
7:10 PM
(CK - 9240 S. Hoyne, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Black (Wiers) SSBL vs Linus
7:10 PM
8 PM
(Frontier - 9807 Sayre Ave, Chicago Ridge, IL)
BB-8th Grey SSBL vs MG Blk
7:10 PM
8 PM
(Frontier - 9807 Sayre Ave, Chicago Ridge, IL)
GV-6th Red SCC vs MHR
7:10 PM
8 PM
(St Germaine - 4300 W 98th St, Oak Lawn, IL)
BB-7th Red SSBL at OLOW
8 PM
8:50 PM
(OLOW - 10731 W 131st St, Orland Park, IL)
BB-8th Red SSBL at Incarnation
8 PM
8:50 PM
(Incarnation - 5757 W 127th St, Palos Heights, IL)
BB-8th White SSBL vs MG Blue
8 PM
8:50 PM
(Frontier - 9807 Sayre Ave, Chicago Ridge, IL)
GV-6th White SCC vs Germaine
8 PM
8:50 PM
(St Germaine - 4300 W 98th St, Oak Lawn, IL)
GV-8th Red SCC vs Cajetan
8 PM
8:45 PM
(St Cajetan - 11211 S. Campbell, Chicago, IL)
GV-8th White SCC vs Christina
8 PM
8:45 PM
(St Christina - 11000 S Christiana, Chicago, IL)
GV-4th White St Al vs Bedes
8 AM
8:50 AM
(St Bede - 4440 W 83rd St, Chicago, IL)
BB-4th White SSBL at SW Wht
9 AM
9:50 AM
(EP Central - 9400 S Sawyer Ave, Evergreen Park, IL)
GV-5th Red St. Al vs Marys-River
9 AM
9:45 AM
(St Catherine - 10621 S Kedvale, Oak Lawn, IL)
GV-8th White St. Al vs MHR
9 AM
9:50 AM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th Red St. Al vs MHR
10 AM
10:45 AM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-5th Red SSBL at MHR Wht
11 AM
11:50 AM
(MHR - 9536 S. Millard, Evergreen Park, IL)
GV-5th Gray St. Al vs Catherine
11 AM
11:45 AM
(St Catherine - 10621 S Kedvale, Oak Lawn, IL)
GV-5th Red St. Al vs Incarnation
11 AM
11:45 AM
(St Catherine - 10621 S Kedvale, Oak Lawn, IL)
GV-6th White St. Al vs Benedict
11 AM
11:50 AM
(Benedict - 2324 New St, Blue Island, IL)
GV-7th Gray St. Al vs Mikes
11 AM
11:50 AM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-5th White vs Incarnation
11 AM
(IJP - 1101 Douglass Ave, Flossmoor, IL)
BB-6th White SSBL at Cajetan
11:30 AM
12:20 PM
(St Cajetan - 11211 S. Campbell, Chicago, IL)
BB-7th Red SSBL vs MG Gold
11:30 AM
12:20 PM
(Frontier - 9807 Sayre Ave, Chicago Ridge, IL)
GV-7th White St. Al vs Linus
12 PM
12:50 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-7th White SSBL at St. Mike
12:20 PM
1:10 PM
(St Michael - 14355 Highland, Orland Park, IL)
BB-4th Red MtG vs C B
12:45 PM
1:30 PM
(St Christopher - 14611 S Keeler, Midloathian, IL)
BB-4th White MtG vs Incarnation Wht
12:45 PM
1:30 PM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
GV-4th White St Al vs Damian
1 PM
1:50 PM
(St Damian - 5300 W 155th St, Oak Forest, IL)
GV-5th White vs Cajetan
1 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-6th Red St. Al vs SJF
2 PM
2:50 PM
(SJF - 10200 S Washtenaw, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Grey SSBL at St. Alexander
2:50 PM
3:40 PM
(St Alexander - 7025 W 126th St, Palos Heights, IL)
BB-5th White SSBL vs Mike Wht
3:10 PM
4 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-6th Gray SSBL vs CK
4 PM
4:50 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-3rd White MtG vs Mike Blue
4:15 PM
5 PM
(CRWC - 5331 W 135th St, Crestwood, IL)
BB-4th Gray SSBL vs QoM
4:50 PM
5:40 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-3rd Red MtG vs Incarnation
5 PM
5:45 PM
(CRWC - 5331 W 135th St, Crestwood, IL)
BB-4th Red SSBL vs CJB Red
5:40 PM
6:30 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-5th White vs Catherine - red
6:15 PM
(St Catherine - 10621 S Kedvale, Oak Lawn, IL)
BB-6th Red SSBL at Christina
6:20 PM
7:10 PM
(St Christina - 11000 S Christiana, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Red SSBL vs Fisher
6:30 PM
7:20 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th White SSBL vs MG Wht
7:20 PM
8:10 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Black (Wiers) SSBL vs Catherine
8:10 PM
9 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-4th Gray MtG vs Cajetan Gold
10:45 AM
11:30 AM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
BB-7th Red SCC vs St. Mike
12 PM
1 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-4th Red vs Christ the King
12 PM
(CK - 9240 S. Hoyne, Chicago, IL)
12:15 PM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th White SCC vs MHR Wht
1 PM
2 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-7th White SCC at Christina
2 PM
3 PM
(St Christina - 11000 S Christiana, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Grey SCC vs Barnabas Blk
2 PM
3 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-6th Gray SCC vs Mike Wht
3 PM
4 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-5th Red SCC vs MHR
3 PM
3:45 PM
(MHR - 9536 S. Millard, Evergreen Park, IL)
BB-5th Red vs MHR (Red)
4 PM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Red SCC at Catherine
5 PM
6 PM
(St Catherine - 10621 S Kedvale, Oak Lawn, IL)
GV-4th Red vs St. Linus - Blue
5 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-5th Gray SCC vs CJB
5:45 PM
6:30 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-7th White SCC at Catherine
6 PM
7 PM
(St Catherine - 10621 S Kedvale, Oak Lawn, IL)
GV-7th White SCC vs MHR - White
6 PM
6:50 PM
(MHR - 9536 S. Millard, Evergreen Park, IL)
GV-5th White vs Cajetan - black
6:30 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th Red SCC vs MHR
6:45 PM
7:30 PM
(MHR - 9536 S. Millard, Evergreen Park, IL)
GV-6th White SCC vs Fisher
7:15 PM
8:05 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-6th White SCC vs Daniel
5:30 PM
6:20 PM
(St Daniel - 5330 S Nashville, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th White SCC vs MHR - Black
5:30 PM
6:20 PM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
GV-6th Red SCC vs Cajetan
6:20 PM
7:10 PM
(St Cajetan - 11211 S. Campbell, Chicago, IL)
GV-7th Gray SCC vs QM
6:20 PM
7:10 PM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
GV-7th Gray SCC vs Fisher - White
7:10 PM
8 PM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
GV-7th Red SCC vs Cajetan
7:10 PM
7:55 PM
(St Cajetan - 11211 S. Campbell, Chicago, IL)
GV-8th Red SCC vs Mikes
8 PM
8:45 PM
(St Michael - 14355 Highland, Orland Park, IL)
BB-6th Red SSBL vs Sutherland
5:30 PM
6:20 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-4th Gray SSBL vs SW Wht
6:20 PM
7:10 PM
(Frontier - 9807 Sayre Ave, Chicago Ridge, IL)
BB-6th Gray SSBL vs Catherine Wht
6:20 PM
7:10 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-7th White SSBL vs MG Blue
7:10 PM
8 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Black (Wiers) SSBL vs MG Blue
8 PM
8:50 PM
(Frontier - 9807 Sayre Ave, Chicago Ridge, IL)
BB-8th Grey SSBL vs Catherine
8 PM
8:50 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-4th White SSBL vs MG Wht
9 AM
9:50 AM
(Frontier - 9807 Sayre Ave, Chicago Ridge, IL)
GV-8th White St. Al vs QofM
9:30 AM
10:20 AM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
BB-5th White SSBL vs Als Wht
9:50 AM
10:40 AM
(Marist SportsPlex - 12221 S. Ridgeland Ave. Palos Heights, IL)
BB-6th White SSBL vs Dans
9:50 AM
10:40 AM
(Frontier - 9807 Sayre Ave, Chicago Ridge, IL)
GV-7th Red St. Al vs ALS
10 AM
10:45 AM
(St Alexander - 7025 W 126th St, Palos Heights, IL)
GV-6th White St. Al vs SBRS
11 AM
11:50 AM
(Benedict - 2324 New St, Blue Island, IL)
GV-7th White St. Al vs Mikes
11 AM
11:50 AM
(St Michael - 14355 Highland, Orland Park, IL)
GV-7th Gray St. Al vs MHR-R
11:30 AM
12:20 PM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
GV-7th Gray St. Al vs MHR-W
12:30 PM
1:20 PM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
BB-3rd Red MtG vs Q M
12:45 PM
1:35 PM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
BB-4th White MtG vs Q M
12:45 PM
1:30 PM
(St Christopher - 14611 S Keeler, Midloathian, IL)
GV-5th Gray St. Al vs Daniels
1 PM
1:45 PM
(St Daniel - 5330 S Nashville, Chicago, IL)
GV-5th Red St. Al vs Cajetan
1 PM
1:45 PM
(St Benedict - 2324 New St, Blue Island, IL)
BB-8th White SSBL at Fisher Wht
1:10 PM
2 PM
(SJF - 10200 S Washtenaw, Chicago, IL)
GV-6th Red St. Al vs MHR
1:30 PM
2:20 PM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
GV-4th White St Al vs QofM
2:30 PM
3:20 PM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
BB-4th Red MtG vs Mike Blue
2:45 PM
3:35 PM
(CRWC - 5331 W 135th St, Crestwood, IL)
GV-7th White St. Al vs MHR-W
3 PM
3:50 PM
(St Catherine - 10621 S Kedvale, Oak Lawn, IL)
BB-7th Red SSBL at Bede
3:50 PM
4:40 PM
(St Bede - 4440 W 83rd St, Chicago, IL)
BB-5th Red SSBL at Christina Wht
5:30 PM
6:20 PM
(St Christina - 11000 S Christiana, Chicago, IL)
GV-4th Red vs St. Catherine - Red
5:30 PM
(St Catherine - 10621 S Kedvale, Oak Lawn, IL)
BB-4th Red SSBL at Gerald
6:20 PM
7:10 PM
(St Gerald - 9311 S Central Ave, Oak Lawn, IL)
GV-5th Gray SCC vs Linus - White
7:45 PM
8:30 PM
(St Catherine - 10621 S Kedvale, Oak Lawn, IL)
BB-8th Red SSBL at CK
8 PM
8:50 PM
(CK - 9240 S. Hoyne, Chicago, IL)
GV-6th Red vs Cajetan
12 PM
(3737 W 99th St
Chicago IL 60655
United States)
BB-5th White MtG vs MHR BLACK
1 PM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
GV-6th Red vs SJF
1:30 PM
(3737 W 99th St
Chicago IL 60655
United States)
BB-5th Red vs Cassel
2:30 PM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
BB-6th Red SCC vs Catherine
2:30 PM
3:30 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
GV-6th Red vs TBD
3 PM
(3737 W 99th St
Chicago IL 60655
United States)
BB-6th Gray SCC vs Catherine Wht
3:30 PM
4:30 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-7th Red SCC vs Gerald
4:30 PM
5:30 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Black (Wiers) SCC at Annunciata
5 PM
6 PM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
BB-7th White SCC vs MHR
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Grey SCC at Linus
6 PM
7 PM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
BB-8th Red SCC vs Germaine
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
(St Barnabas - 10121 S Longwood, Chicago, IL)
BB-3rd White MtG vs MG Blue
5:30 PM
6:20 PM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
BB-6th Red SCC at Fisher
6 PM
7 PM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
BB-6th White SCC at St. Alexander
6 PM
7 PM
(St Alexander - 7025 W 126th St, Palos Heights, IL)
BB-4th Gray MtG vs Christina Wht
6:10 PM
7 PM
(MtG Park - 3721 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)
BB-8th Red SCC at QoM
8 PM
9 PM
(QoM - 3510 W 103rd St, Evergreen Park, IL)
BB-8th White SCC at St. Mike
8 PM
9 PM
(St Michael - 14355 Highland, Orland Park, IL)
BB-4th White SSBL vs MG Gold
5:30 PM
6:20 PM
(Frontier - 9807 Sayre Ave, Chicago Ridge, IL)
GV-6th Red SCC vs Linus
5:30 PM
6:20 PM
(St Linus - 10400 S Lawler, Oak Lawn, IL)
GV-7th White SCC vs Catherine - Black
5:30 PM
6:20 PM
(St Damian - 5300 W 155th St, Oak Forest, IL)
GV-7th Gray SCC vs Patricia
6:20 PM
7:10 PM
(St Patricia - 9000 S 86th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL)
GV-7th Red SCC vs CJB
7:10 PM
7:55 PM
(Bernardin - 9250 W 167th St, Orland Hills, IL)
GV-8th Red SCC vs CK
7:10 PM
7:55 PM
(CK - 9240 S. Hoyne, Chicago, IL)
GV-8th White SCC vs Patricia
8 PM
8:45 PM
(St Patricia - 9000 S 86th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL)