Grades K - 2

THE PRIMARY GRADES focus on the well-being of each child.  Students engage in academic activities in whole group, leveled groups, and learning-based centers, allowing for confidence building and a love of learning to be fostered.  A buddy partnership with the students in grades 6 - 8 sets the tone for community building.  The younger students look to our older students as role models as they spend time with their buddies at weekly school mass, holiday parties, and special events.


MATH & ELA - In the core subjects of Math and ELA, we offer a differentiated curriculum so all students thrive at a pace that best supports their educational needs.  Smaller settings, engagement, customization, and open communication between parents and faculty are the hallmarks of instruction.  Students in grades 1 and 2 receive extended (80-minute) instruction time each day in Math and ELA, allowing for true mastery of skills.

SCIENCE & SOCIAL STUDIES - Teachers are committed to hands-on experiences that put active learning into action.  Raising caterpillars into butterflies, hatching chicks, and exploring the world through our beloved famous person history project inspires curiosity.   


RELIGION - Students receive daily religious instruction as we support our students on the lifelong journey of living out their faith.  We teach and encourage our students to recognize kindness, compassion, sacrifice, and service.  Preparation for the 2nd grade Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion is integral to the Primary Grade religion curriculum.


ENRICHMENT SUBJECTS - Our Root Beliefs teach us, "We are called to nurture the mind, body, & spirit.”  Primary Grade students enjoy twice-weekly Physical Education and weekly Art, Media, Music, and Spanish classes to enhance our core curriculum and encourage students to become well-rounded individuals.  


STANDARDS - The Archdiocese of Chicago’s ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education curricula are aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards, Common Core State Standards, and the Next Generation Science Standards.  The rRligious standards are designed to promote our Catholic identity and faith in the lives of our students. Learn more HERE.