Report a Student Absence
REPORTING - An absence from school must be reported daily by 8:00am. Please use the Absence Reporting Form or call the Main Office at 773-445-7711. In addition to the absence reporting, the parent/guardian should send an explanatory email to the homeroom teacher.
LATE ARRIVAL & EARLY DEPARTURES - If a student is arriving late or departing from school early, a parent/guardian must notify the Main Office and the homeroom teacher in advance.
SCHOOL POLICY REGARDING ABSENT WORK: Absent work should be picked up in the Main Office between 2:45pm - 3:15pm. Absent work may also be sent home with a sibling or neighbor. Arrangements to complete missed work and tests must be made with the individual teachers within two school days upon return. In the case of an extended absence, parents are encouraged to arrange a meeting with all of their child’s teachers to ensure clear communication regarding missing work and instruction.